
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Schedules are hectic this time of year, kickball, softball playoffs and right in the thick of the football season, but the boys were able to get together this week and give the people what they want (we think) which is an update on the Game On! Sports Fall Football Season. We have appearances by Amber Williams and brand new to the league, and a legacy in many ways Colin Sugrue (Tim's Nephew and retired QB of Talent Juice! Dave's Son) who joins us to talk Football.
Thank you to everyone who tunes in each week, you have no idea how much it means to Marty Brandon and I! We see the numbers. Share with your teammates, friends, PETS! and let us know if you want to be a guest on the show. We would love to have you.
See you all Saturday
Love Always,
Tim, Brandon, Marty, Amber and all of us from Game On!

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
062 - NFL Sunday Preview
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Brandon, Tim, Raghavan, and special guest Garret Nickerson talk the NFL opening Sunday immediately after finishing our Power Hour Episode which will be posted later this week!
Enjoy Everyone!

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
061 - Keg Kickers with Grayson Wright, Mike LaBarbara and "The Juice"
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
We are live from Adolf's! with Grayson Wright, Mike LaBarbara and Marquile "The Juice" Jones of the Keg Kickers from out Thursday Night Kickball League. Brandon and Tim sit down with the guys to discuss their teams origin and the energy they bring to the field each Thursday at the Outer Harbor. We get a chance to know a bit about each of them, how their team came to be and what they have enjoyed the most about playing with Game On! Although friends, they each played on rival schools growing up, so we get into some Cornell Cup discussion.
Thanks for joining us guys and best of luck the rest of the season!
Love Always,
Tim, Brand, Marty and all of us from Game on!
Music - DJ Quads --> https://www.facebook.com/DjQuadsOffical/
Joakim Kraud --> https://www.youtube.com/joakimkarud

Friday Aug 30, 2019
059 - Week 1 Fall Football Recap with guest Raghavan
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
FINALLY Football Season is here. New teams and verteran teams, all of the fun. Brandon, Tim and Special Guest Raghavan go through the first week of games, talk strategy, and what they saw from some of the week 1 performances. We also talk some NFL and Andrew Luck's retirement and give our takes on the situation.
We actually recorded long enough for two episodes tonight, so be on the lookout for an additional episode next week with some of the player on Keg Kickers from our Thursday Night Kickball League at the Outer Harbor.
Enjoy everyone!
Love always,
Timothy, Brandon, Rags and all of us at Game On! Sports

Friday Aug 23, 2019
058 - Fall Football Kickoff With Jeff Krol and Stephanie Finucane
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Brandon Tim Marty Jeff and special guest Stephanie Finucane hang out at Adolf's all while they live their best lives. We preview the upcoming fall football season for Game On! Sports and break down each division and their week one matchups! We go over the additions to each team, take some time to get to know Marty's better half Stephanie, how she got involved in the league, the most recent team that she's played for and what she's looking forward to this upcoming session with Laces Out! We also get to hear her most memorable moment both bad and good playing with Game On! Sports
We look forward to seeing everyone at the fields on Saturday come look for us we hope to be doing some sideline interviews this week also want to announce that Adolf's will be back as our bar sponsor be sure to head over there early they have added breakfast sandwiches to the menu! Thanks Everyone!
Love always Tim Marty and Brandon!

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
057 - Wednesday Night Kickball with Gobbi and Danielle LaBelle
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Brandon and Tim enjoy some amazing patio weather at Del Denby's our bar Sponsor for Wednesday Night Kickball.
We are joined by a cast of characters, including Anthony Gobbi formerly of Alcoballics Anonymous currently on I'd cut a pitch and Danielle LaBelle of New Kicks on the Block.
We get to know some a little bit about everyone who joins us, discuss their thoughts on the Wednesday Night Kickball League, how they got started and where they are headed in life both spiritually and physically.
We break down the rules in regards to pitching, the strike zone and balls, capped off by Brandon and Tim discussing the recent Downtown Scavenger Hunt and upcoming and highly anticipated fall football season.
Cheers Everyone!
Love Always,
Tim, Brandon, Marty and all of us at Game On! Sports.

Monday Aug 05, 2019
056 - Adolf's Wing Review with Patrick Moran
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Brandon and Marty spread their wings with Patrick Moran of the Moran-Analytics Podcast as they fly on over to our favorite stomping ground Adolf's Old First Ward Tavern. Patrick is an expert wing reviewer, sports blogger and has been in the game for years. After devouring some wings, the boys sit down and talk shop as if they'd know each other for years. So kick back, and enjoy!
You can find Pat's write up of Adolf's and their wings on his wing blog here--> http://moranalytics.com/chicken-wing-review-adolfs/
You can check out his podcast here --> http://moranalytics.com/category/podcast/
Intro Music - DJ Jazzy Jeff https://soundcloud.com/djjazzyjeff/sets/52-beetz-in-a-year #djjazzyjeff #beats #hiphop
Outro Music - Joakim Karud Vibe with me #nocopyrightmusic https://www.youtube.com/user/JoakimKarud

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
TBT 021 - Len Synor
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Our plan was to record a new episode this week, but once received the unfortunate news we decided that we should repost the episode we had Len on. For those who might not of heard it the first time around, like to re-listen or perhaps for those from outside of game on who might not otherwise have know it existed. For anyone who might find it comforting as they cope. At Adolf's I know for all of us it helped hearing all share their memories of Len.
We are glad we will always have this piece of audio amongst many photos to remember Lenny by and we are happy to have had him in our lives, and although we are heartbroken that he is no longer with us, we will always cherish the memories we have with him.
Not sure if there is really anything profound I can say but I do know that it was good to hear your voice, and we just want you to know we miss you so much.
The episode is only an hour and half, but boy do we wish it was so much longer.
Thanks for all the memories Len.
Love Always,
Brandon, Marty, Tim and the rest of the Game On! Family.

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
The podcast is back and it is in Wednesday Night Delaware Park Kickball Championships! Tim, Marty are joined by Nick Padula and Mathew Schwippert of Panasonic and Justin Moon and Ricky Gorczyca of Team Moon. Both teams are champions for Wednesday Night Kickball in our White and Blue Divisions respectively.
Marty and the guys talk the state of kickball their team MVP's, Most Improved Players, and get to know a little bit about the history of each team. We also dive into to some fantasy talk, preview the upcoming downtown Scavenger Hunt, and recap the BBG Charity Kickball Tournament.
Shout out to Community Beer Works ( Especially Frank, that guy is awesome). Also to Cobblestone Live and Ironworks who donated 50 tickets to the downtown Scavenger Hunt which grants access to Cobblestone Live for Saturday August 3rd. So participants in the Scavenger Hunt can rock out to some awesome live music until 3-4 Am on Saturday.
DJ Quads - as alway
Joakim Kraud. Give them both a listen they have some great V-Log music.
Thanks everyone
Love Always Tim, Brandon, Marty and all of us at Game On!

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
054 - Touchdown There with Tony and Zach
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
We wrap up the season with a championship recap and are joined by our guests Zach Paloni and Tony, who are in good spirits despite losing in the D3 Championship to the Labatt Blue Ballers, who also join us later in the Episode following their D3 Championship (and by their prediction) in a few weeks after they take home the Wednesday Night Kickball Tournament. We cover all four Spring Championships and have some great discussion with our guests from Labatt and Touchdown there.
Thank you to all who played this session, we are already looking forward to the Fall! ON TO KICKBALL AND SOFTBALL For the podcast!
Love Always~ Marty, Tim, Brandon and all of us at Game On! Sports
- Sal The Wanderer Augugliaro
-Dj Quads
- Box Cat Games (RPG something)
- Joakim Kraud